In 2014, Louisiana lawmakers passed legislation allowing the use of sound suppressors for hunting all legal game animals, in addition to nuisance species, such as feral hogs. Here are 10 reasons why you should be hunting with a can. 1. Hearing Protection: Noise induced hearing loss and tinnitus are two of the most common afflictions for recreational shooters, hunters, police, and our soldiers. Suppressors reduce the noise of a gunshot by an average of 20 – 35 dB, which is roughly the same as earplugs or earmuffs. By decreasing the overall sound signature, suppressors help to preserve hearing. 2. Recoil Reduction: Suppressors work by evenly diffusing and decelerating the explosive gases that leave the muzzle of the gun when fired. This reduction in pressure translates to less felt recoil for the shooter, meaning more enjoyable shooting time. 3. Staying on Target: If you've ever zeroed a high caliber rifle, you've probably experienced the phenomenon of the rifle jumping completely off the target after each round, leaving you to search around and reorient the reticle back on target. This isn't a major issue on a flat range with a static target, but if you're trying to bag a trophy buck, the stakes are increased. The reduced recoil and added weight of the suppressor allow you to get back on target much more quickly, so you can be sure you've ethically taken down your kill. 4. Increased Accuracy: There's a reason that competitive distance shooters use suppressors- Accuracy. There's plenty of data to support the fact that cans equal tighter groups. I don't know about you, but I'll take all the help that I can get! 5. Introducing New Shooters: It's no secret that the political climate is rocky at best for gun owners. The only way to preserve our way of life is by introducing new shooters to our culture. The report and recoil of the gun may be second nature to you, but new shooters are often on edge wondering if they can handle it when it's their turn to shoot. Suppressors are a great way to reduce that fear and ease the shooter into the sport. You'll spend less time getting them over that initial hurdle and spend more time focusing on procedure and technique. 6. Location Concealment: Who wouldn't like to increase their chances for multiple kills? Without a suppressor, one shot will give away your position and your hunt is likely done for the day. Suppressors reduce your sound signature to an extent that you can take big boar that keeps wandering in front of you, with less worry about scaring off the whitetail you've been scouting all year. 7. Etiquette: This ties in with location concealment. We all know what opening day of gun season sounds like, with other hunters taking shots all around you- some who are closer than you may have realized. Using a suppressor to reduce the rifle's report is a courtesy that will mean everyone taking home more game. 8. Not Everyone Likes Guns: It's a fact. There are plenty of folks that live in the country who are not fans of having others discharging firearms around their homes. This goes back to our responsibility as gun owners. Give these folks a break- use a suppressor and they may become a bit more friendly. 9. Technology and Affordability: With the growth in popularity of suppressors and other NFA items, there has never been a better time to own a suppressor. The market is driving new, innovative designs and making that first step into suppressor ownership easier and more affordable than ever! 10. Simplified Purchasing and Ownership: NFA Gun Trusts have made purchasing and owning a suppressor easier than ever for law-abiding civilians. Gone are the days of crossing your fingers and hoping that your local sheriff is pro-2nd Amendment, or not being able to entrust a family member with your suppressor. Plus, over 40 states currently allow ownership of suppressors! There has never been a better time to step into the realm of NFA ownership! Contact attorney Joseph Cataldie today for more information on establishing an NFA Gun Trust.
Joseph CataldieAttorney at law Archives |